Indian Corn Cob Cactus-Euphorbia Mammillaris Variegata. Great pink and yellow color! Growing in a 2.5" pot. Easy to grow, do well in succulent/cactus gardens or in a window sill. They like fast draining soil, bright light to part sun, water only when the soil dries.
Mammillaria Elegans
Domino Cactus Echinopsis Subdenudata
Devil's Tongue Barrel Cactus Ferocactus Latispinus
Balloon Cactus-Notocactus Magnificus
Red Moon Cactus Gymnocalycium Mihanovichii
Pink Moon Cactus Gymnocalycium Mihanovichii
Yellow Form Moon Cactus Gymnocalycium Mihanovichii
Echinobivia 'Rainbow Bursts'. Beautiful clumping cacti. These produce a huge pink/red flower in spring/summer. Some have offsets, some do not. These look great in container gardens or indoors in orbs/pots. These offset quickly and form colonies of many plants over time. They like fast draining soil, bright light(Some direct sun), water only when the soil dries. Shipped in a 3.5" plastic pot.