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Upon Receiving order: When you receive your plants open them up right away. Soak them in clean room temp water for 2-4 hours to refresh from the trip in the box. Then dry on paper towel or newspaper.
Bromeliads/Airplants need bright but indirect light. Some species prefer more direct light and some prefer more shade. In the summer months(April-October) avoid direct noon day sun, Morning sun before 10:00a.m usually is fine. In winter and fall months(November-March) direct sun is usually ok in temperate climates(Use your best judgment). Indoors Bromeliads/Airplants can be grown by a bright window. Artificial light can be used if it is full spectrum fluorescent and not more the 3 feet away from the plants.
Water: Bromeliads/Airplants can be watered 2-3 times per week by thoroughly wetting the plants. Or by soaking in fresh room temp water for 4-8hours once a week or every other week(this is the preferred method for indoor plants). If soaking allow plants to dry for 24 hours before returning them to orbs or pots. Water by spraying with water or soaking for about 10 minutes. If you are using a spray bottle for watering make sure the plants are getting enough water by spraying them thoroughly and then spraying them again in 30 minutes or so. Watering will depend on the environment. In hot dry climates you may need to water plants every other day with mistings between waterings. In very humid climates watering one to two times per week may be fine. Always make sure to let plants dry within a few hours of watering-don’t keep airplants constantly wet. As long as the plants are allowed to completely dry between watering you don’t have to worry about over watering. If your plant is in a seashell empty out the shells after watering.
Air Circulation: Air circulation is important for plants to receive nutrients and to dry between waterings. If you are keeping your plants in a terrarium or orb-make sure one side is open or screen.
Food: Use bromeliad fertilizer two times a month during warmer months. Less often during cooler months. Feeding your plants will help them grow, pup, and bloom faster!
Temps: Most Bromeliads/Airplants prefer warmer temps 60-90F+. Night time drops are OK as long as it is not much below 50F. Some plants do need cool night time drops below 50F to bloom.
Mounting/Grooming/Dividing: As Bromeliads/Airplants grow, some leaves near the base may die off. These can be trimmed back with shears. Any imperfect or damaged leaves can be trimmed as well. Typically these leaves can just be left on the plant as well(As long as they do not begin to mold or rot). Old flower spikes can be trimmed away-but if you leave them they will typically germinate many seedlings that can be grown into larger plants(Although slowly-some seedlings can take 5 years or more to grow into mature plants).
Bromeliads/Airplants grow best epiphytically(*Attached to something-rock, wood, etc). They can be easily mounted with aluminum wire and/or non water solubale adhesive or hot glue gun. Feel free to use driftwood, tree bark, cork bark, rocks, baskets, terra cotta, and just about anything else to mount your plants on. A lot of airplants such as ionantha and bergeri can be hung from wire and grown into a circular ball or clump.

Mature plants that have bloomed will grow offsets or pups(Smaller plants at the mature plants base). When these offsets are 1/3-1/2 the size of the mature plant they can be gently broken away/divided from the mother plant. Leaving them in place will result in large clumps/balls of plants-and these can be great show pieces. Although we ship only healthy, high quality plants, it is important to remember that they are not perfect (nor is any living thing). Minor leaf imperfections are normal; leaves that have imperfections or are broken can be safely trimmed away with sissors. It is also normal for Tillandsia to lose the bottom leaves when acclimating to their new environment. These leaves can be trimmed off along with long roots if you desire-See the Grooming Tips.

For best results fertilize twice a month in spring and summer less or not at all in winter and fall. Mix 1/4 teaspoon powdered tillandsia fertilizer in 1 liter water. Spray solution on plants or submerge in solution for 10 minutes. Let plants dry 12-24 hours then rinse with clean fresh water to remove any fertilizer that was not absorbed. Rinsing will prevent burning from over fertilizing.