Indian Corn Cob Cactus-Euphorbia Mammillaris Variegata. Great pink and yellow color! Growing in a 2.5" pot. Easy to grow, do well in succulent/cactus gardens or in a window sill. They like fast draining soil, bright light to part sun, water only when the soil dries.
Pine Cone Cactus Tephrocactus Articulatus var Inermis. Very unique looking-like a pine cone. 1"-3". These will form small clusters in time. Grow very easily in a sunny window indoors or part to full sun outdoors. Water less for indoor plants and use a fast draining soil. These look great in rock gardens or in clay pots! Growing in 2.5" pots.
Aloe Vera Aloe Barbadensis 5"-6"+ Aloe in 2" Pot
Mammillaria Elegans
Pincushion Euphorbia-Euphorbia Ferox
Domino Cactus Echinopsis Subdenudata
Feather Cactus Cluster-Mammillaria Plumosa
Devil's Tongue Barrel Cactus Ferocactus Latispinus